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Who’s Going to Call the Shots

Who’s Going to Call the Shots

3 thoughts on “Who’s Going to Call the Shots”

  1. Toochi,

    You are correct about the success hinging upon the team members having defined roles. When everyone in the team understands their individual roles, then they are allowed to bring their creative ideas and skills to fruition on the project. When someone steps outside their roles and steps into someone else’s role, then problems tend to arise. If team members are friends on top of the overlapping of roles, then conflict would most likely be harder to defuse.

    Great post!

  2. Hi Toochi,

    Some take aways that I took from your post:
    1. It’s important that CEOs manage and make the right decisions, as well as create innovate products.
    2. Identify idea people and task-oriented people which helps to define roles.
    3. Know the company objective.

    These are all things I’ll make sure to do for my future business.

    Best Regards,

    Doc Dillard

  3. Toochi,

    Prior to reading our book and articles such as yours, I was a believer in shared responsibilities. Clearly this is not the case. As you mentioned, clearly defined roles generate a free flow of creativity. Each person has a clear cut responsibility and related levels of accountability.

    Your assertion about friendship amongst founders may lead to conflict due to their inability to deal with confrontation in a meaningful way is spot on as well. These friends might ultimately have to choose between their friendship or the company, either way, they loose what was once a great thing.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

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